Nicora Factory Tour
Last month Nicora opened up their factory doors and hosted a super fun event that purely embodied transparent business and sustainability.
Stephanie Nicora, owner and founder of Nicora, hosted tours of the shoe making process where we literally walked through the factory and watched the shoes being made. It was a fascinating and eye opening experience to say the least! This amazing factory is where Nicora produces their handmade vegan shoes. All their employees are artisan shoemakers, some hand making shoes for over 30 years. They are paid excellent wages and use only non-leather, high quality, vegan materials to make Nicora’s exquisite boots. One pair of boots can take twelve hours to make so the next time you but a pair of boots for forty dollars think about the fact that that cost has to pay the wage of the worker, factory overhead, and other marketing and profit costs. That means that the worker made an EXTREMELY low wage to produce one pair of cheap boots. Fair trade, in my opinion, is the only way.
After the informative tour, we chowed down on the most delicious tacos and tortas from my favorite vegan food truck, Plant Food For People, and washed those down with gluten-free, vegan chocolate chip cookies from The Shugah Mama. A perfect day!