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Sustainable, Vegan Makeup Remover Wipes

I can't live without makeup remover wipes and these beauties will double as cleansing wipes for a quick refresh even when you're not wearing makeup. You only need a few things to get started: baby washcloths, a container (I opted for a mason jar), distilled water, castille soap (I use Dr. Bronners), and essential oils (your preference).

I mix one cup of distilled water with one tablespoon of castille soap, two drops tea tree oil, and two drops lavender oil. I know two drops seems like a small amount but I find the oils to be quite pungent and hard to use on my eyes to remove eye makeup. So two drops is the perfect amount for me but feel free to experiment and add more if you like. Then, I simply roll up the washcloths, stuff them in the jar, pour over the liquid, and cap.

It's quick, easy, and the washcloths are machine washable!

Give this a try and let me know how it goes!

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