Vegan Beauty Find
UrbApothocary is a cruelty free Etsy shop specializing in skin care. I first tried their charcoal face mask as a sample I received in a vegan beauty box subscription, actually. This mask is quite an experience. It's easy to mix (just add the corresponding amounts of water and/or vinegar - directions on the bottle), and apply. Leave it on for 5-20 min depending on the sensitivity of your skin (I opt for 20). At first it's cold, then it starts to dry and it REALLY gets tight. It's actually quite a funny (and somewhat painful) to do this mask with a friend or significant other and make each other laugh; you won't be able to move your face which makes it funnier and tingle/pinch more. Not that I'm recommending yourself in that situation but that's what I did and it was a lovely little memory for Dave and me. ANYWAY, after you rinse it off, your skin is super crazy soft. LIKE BUTTA. I even noticed my pores were completely clean and slightly smaller. Your face will be red for awhile so don't do this right before you need to go somewhere but the redness will dissipate after 20 min or so.
This is my favorite mask and it's made me a lifelong subscriber to their products. Check out UrbApothocary on Etsy!